Guatemala Finca Las Moritas

Guatemala Finca Las Moritas

from $6.50

Las Moritas is located in San Antonio La Paz in the department of El Progreso in Guatemala. The farm is located on one of the highest non-volcanic mountain chains in Guatemala and is owned by Don Higinio Gomez and his wife Dona Aura. The farm produces several varietals of coffee, including Bourbon, Pache San Ramon, Castillo, Pacamara, and Red Bourbon. The humid, forested micro climate of the farm coupled with the high altitude gives character to the coffee produced there.

Farm: Finca Las Moritas

Producer: Don Higinio Gomez, Dona Aura

Processing: Fully Washed

Drying method: Raised Beds

Cultivar detail: Bourbon, Castillo, Pacamara, Pache 

Elevation: 1850M

Cupping Notes: Tangerine, Brown Sugar, Peach

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